Dirac, Heisenberg,
and Schrödinger (L to R) at the Stockholm train station on their way
to the Nobel Prize ceremony, December 1933. |
There are symmetries that are nor related to operations in the
world, e.g. the internal symmetries such as isospin. What meaning
do they have? Do you think they are related ultimately to the properties
of space and time?
I suspect that isospin is a symmetry similar to space and time.
I cannot
say that it is related to them. I would say that there are a number
of fundamental symmetries in this world which may in future be
reduced to something still simpler, but so far we must take them
as given,
as a result of our experiments. One of the most fundamental
symmetries is the symmetry of the Lorentz group, that is
space and time, and then isospin groups, scale groups, and so on.
So there
are a number of groups which are fundamental in the sense that
in describing the smallest particles we refer to their behaviour
and transformations.
The idea
is that one can distinguish between a natural law, a fundamental
law, which determines for instance a spectrum of elementary
particles, and the general behaviour of the cosmos, which
is perhaps something not at once given through this law. I might
remind you, for instance, of Einstein' s equations of gravitation.
Einstein wrote down his field equations and thought that gravitational
fields are always determined by them. But the cosmos is
not unambiguously determined by these field equations, although
are several models of the cosmos which are compatible with them.
In the same sense, I would say that there is an underlying natural
law which determines the spectrum of elementary particles, but
the shape of the cosmos is not unambiguously determined by this
law. Logically, it would be possible to have various types of cosmos
which are in agreement with it. However, if a certain cosmological
model has been 'chosen,' then this model, of course, has
some consequences for the spectrum of elementary particles.
Are you saying that there exist laws which are independent or
outside the universe, outside the world, which reality breaks, or
that it breaks the symmetry represented by the laws?
'Laws' just means that some fundamental symmetries are inherent
in nature or in our observation of nature. You may know about
the attempts of Weizsäcker, who tried to derive the laws simply
from logic. We have to use language to arrive at conclusions, to
study alternatives, and he questions whether from the alternatives
alone we can arrive at these symmetries. I don't know whether
his attempts are successful or not. In physics, we can only work
with the assumption that we have natural laws. If we have no natural
laws, then anything can happen, and we can only describe what
we see, and that's all.
Another feature of your theory which seems to go against the
current trend- partons and quarks, etc. - is that you feel that
no particle is any more elementary than any other.
Even if quarks should be found (and I do not believe that they
will be),
they will not be more elementary than other particles, since a quark
could be considered as consisting of two quarks and one anti-quark,
and so on. I think we have learned from experiments that
by getting to smaller and smaller units, we do not come to fundamental
units, or indivisible units, but we do come to a point where
division has no meaning. This is a result of the experiments of
the last
twenty years, and I am afraid that some physicists simply ignore
this experimental fact.
So it would seem that elementary particles are just representations
of symmetries. Would you say that they are not fundamental things
in themselves, or 'building-blocks of the universe,' to use the
old-fashioned language?
Again, the difficulty is in the meaning of the words. Words
like building
blocks or really existing are too indefinite in their meaning, so
I would hesitate to answer your questions, since an answer would
depend on the definitions of the words.
To be more precise, ultimately could one have a description of
nature which needed only elementary particles or, alternatively,
a description in which the elementary particles would be defined
in terms of the rest of the universe? Or is there no starting-point,
as it were, no single axiom on which one can build the whole of
No. Even if, for instance, that formula which Pauli and I wrote
down fifty
years ago turned out to be the correct formulation for the spectrum
of elementary particles, it is certainly not the basis for all of
physics. Physics can never be closed, or brought to an end, so that
we must turn to biology or such things. What we can hope for, I
think, is that we may get an explanation of the spectrum of elementary
particles, and with it also an explanation of electromagnetism
and gravitation, in the same sense as we get an explanation
of the spectrum of a big molecule from the Schrödinger equation.
does not mean that thereby physics has come to an end. It means
that, for instance, at the boundary between physics and biology,
there may be new features coming in which are not thought of
in physics and chemistry. Something entirely new must happen. Therefore
I criticize those formulations which imply an end to physics.
Is it possible to reduce physics or any element of physics purely
to logic and axioms?
I would say that certain parts of physics can always be reduced
to logical
mathematics or mathematical schemes. This has been possible
for Newtonian physics, for quantum mechanics, and so on, so
I do not doubt that it will also be possible for the world of the
particles. In astrophysics today, one comes upon pulsars and
black holes, two regions in which gravitation becomes enormous,
and perhaps a stronger force than all other forces. I could
well imagine that in such black holes, for instance (if they exist),
the spectrum of elementary particles would be quite different from
the spectrum we now have. In the black holes, then, we would have
a new area of physics, to some extent separated from that part
which we now call elementary particle physics. There would be connections,
and one would have to study how to go from the one to
the other; but I do not believe in an end of physics. when
I try to use quantum theory within the realm of biology.